Ooooh first ever tutorial! Wait for it...
Last year I saw the most beaut shirt on Topshop:
Some of us, however, are not made of money and at £60 I thought I could recreate it in a similar way for a fraction of the price so thats what I did...
You will need:
- Black chiffon body or shirt
- Scissors
- Leather (1/2 metre - I used faux leather, the real stuff is too expensive obv!)
- Needle and thread
- A glue stick or similar circular object to use as a template for your leather discs
- Quite a lot of patience
1) Start with a black chiffon shirt or body (I was originally going to use a shirt but I think a body is a big easier to work with because chiffon is quite a tricky, slippy fabric. My body below cost £12.99 from H&M.
2) Cut out the discs from the leather. I got my leather from a market stall, I got 1/2 metre (which is probably too much as I had loads left over) and it cost about £4. I used the bottom of a pritt stick for my template. I also used two different sized circles as it makes the finished item look more interesting and layered. The cutting out bit takes ages so I roped in my housemates and got a production line going in front of a film ha ha.
3) Once I had enough circle discs I pinned a few onto the body for a rough guide of where to start sewing them on.
4) Start sewing! This took quite a while and requires the most patience and quite be a bit frustrating but worth it as it looks amazing in the end!
Front View
For a more scaly look I graduated my discs, its less severe looking than just a block section of discs.
Back view
What do you think of the finished product?! Its such a great night out option and looks good with anything high waisted.
Have you done any customising? My bestie and housemate Jess is all over customising her clothes but I don't have as many good ideas as her!
Love Lexie x x x