Monday, 25 February 2013

Alphabet Soup

Third day in a row of blogging, this definitely means that my procrastination has reached its peak! Verrrrah bad!

I've had such a lazy weekend, stayed in all weekend just doing work and watching TV, rockstar day...!

The main item in this post is this amaze balls shirt, with the alphabet printed on it! I saw it and had to have it. I was surprised to find it in primark for like £12.00 or something. It sort of could pass as a vintage item. 

- Shirt - Primark - 
- Jacket - Zara - 
- Skirt - H&M - 
- Ring/Bracelet - River Island - 
- Boots - Topshop
- Stole - My mums (Stolen from her coat!) - 

I paired the shirt with a trusty leather skirt (what else?!) added a little bow ribbon around the collar and a black jacket and black leather boots. I attempted putting my hair up into a bow but its a bit of a fail today I'm afraid, check out my instagram LEXIEVEEE for a better version of this hair style!

I really wish I had something else than the leather skirt to rely on in times of an outfit crisis but I really like the skater style and its so flattering and goes with EVERYTHING, but I won't be happy until I find something else. Its really hard though as I hate wearing leggings and jeans are so hard to find the right pair. 

Whats your staple piece at the moment?

Oooh, also I am having a bit of a wardrobe clear out so please check my ebay page to see if you fancy yourself a bargain, everything is starting at 99p so its deffo worth a look.

Love Lexie x x x 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

My Wish List

I'm currently in the process of editing an outfit post so bear/bare (which oneee!? ha ha) with me.

In the meantime I'm trying to blog more because I've been a bit slack recently. So I thought I would compile a wish list of bits and bobs that I've had my eye on recently. This is the first time I've done a proper one of these because I've started teaching myself how to use photoshop. Very proud ha ha

1) When I first saw these dungarees in River Island I wasn't very impressed and thought they were not really my sort of thing but I saw some pictures of a blogger wearing them at LFW and thought it looked so much better on. I need them! I think for £40.00 its pretty reasonable for such a statement piece which can easily be dressed up or dressed down. 

2) This t-shirt is from studded petals which is a website supplying fun prints on t-shirts. Unfortunately it has literally just been taken off the website so I'm in the search of another so if anyone has seen something similar lemme know!!! :) 

3) These PERCY boots are sooooo hot and dangerous! I saw them the other day on the topshop website but they are a casual £110 so on my wish list they shall remain for the foreseeable future. wah wah wah. 

4) Crown and Glory do the best head pieces. I've wanted a floral crown like this since forever. Would look amazing at Glastonbury or any festival for that matter. This one was my faveee from the website but at £20 I could probably make it myself. (OMG I'm such a student!!!)

5) See through clutch bag. Found this one on ebay and ordered a see through plain version, but the pictures for the one I got were a bit crappy. For £12.99 its definitely a DIY jobby but I loved it so much and I have no patience so had to order it straight away.

6) Fuck Off Necklace. I've been searching for this for ages but still haven't managed to find it online. Appaz you can get stuff engraved for cheap in jewellery shops but I'm too lazy for this ha ha ha.

I'm pretty poor at the moment as per usual! However I have everything crossed that I gets bursary very soon from my uni!

What does everyone think? What are on your wish lists?

 Love Lexie x x x 

Friday, 22 February 2013

I don't wanna see you go, I want somebody to love me

Oh my goshhh, I have been such a bad blogger recently, same old boring story of having wayyyy to much work time and not enough play time!! I'm going to be such a recluse for the next 8 weeks up until I graduate! Verrrahhh verrahhh scary- what am I going to do with myself?!

I've spent my time recently drooling over the mods at LFW! Casually obsessed with Rosie Tapner after seeing her walk for TOPSHOP UNIQUE (making out as if I attended when I definitely did not! ha ha) She's hot and dangerous.

I literally never ever wear lipstick because I think on me, it looks like I'm wearing slightly too much make up. Anyway, I got this MAC lipstick to try out, its called CAMDEN and I actually quite like it. The only problem is its quite creamy and so doesn't really stay on for long which is really annoying having to keep reapplying! 

My dress here is from Primark, I'm starting to think the maroon colour is overdone now though! I'm excited to see all the neon thats going to be coming out for aw13. 

-Necklace - Primark - 
- Boots - Topshop - 
- Jacket - Zara - 
- Hat - Topshop - 
- Stole - H&M- 

The sun keeps teasing us by being out but as soon as you step out the door its FREEZING COLD. Don't play me like dis!!

I've gone instagram made recently so if you wanna see follow me (there is a button at the top right of my blawgg!) Thanks besties

Love Lexie x x x

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Liebster Award

I've been lucky enough to be nominated for a Liebster award by the very talented Monique at Velvet Writer

Its all about discovering new blogs which is always one of my favourite things to do- its always good to see what other bloggers are doing for inspiration and the blogging community is so nice so its great to be able to promote blogs that you enjoy! 

The Rules:
  • Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them. 
  • If nominated, write '11 Random Facts' about yourself! 
  • Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you wrote for you. 
  • Come up with 11 new questions to be answered by 11 new nominees.

So here goes with my 11 facts: 

  1. I can be a bit OCD with cleaning, especially when I'm hungover which is too weird for words.
  2. I am OBSESSED with lingerie. It's not healthy, but I can't help myself. I probably have more lingerie sets than clothing. 
  3. I want to live on a beach at some point in my life
  4. I secretly want to learn how to DJ and if any of my friends ever saw this I would NEVER hear the end of it
  5. My boyfriend bought me a bunny rabbit called Keith for xmas and now I'm one of those crazy pet people who loves animals loads and loads . 
  6. I love garlic mayonnaise 
  7. I'm a bit of a crazy gym lady at the moment
  8. I wish I had better skin
  9. I'm addicted to Diet Coke
  10. i'm really impatient 
  11. I HATE kitten heels 

My answers for Monique:

How do you gain more followers for your blog?
I don't really have a system for gaining followers. I just put my new post links onto Twitter and do that standard blogger hashtags. Sometimes I put my blog onto my Facebook but only occasionally as its not something I would want all my friends on Facebook to see! 

Why did you become a blogger?
I started blogging in January 2012 properly. Initially it was for my course (fashion marketing) as we were advised to start a blog but now I really enjoy it and the blogging community are so sweet! :)

Where do you love to buy jewellery?
If you were to ask my housemates they would tell you I have an obsession with jewellery.  Zara do lovely simple stuff but I also love the chunky necklaces in H&M. My fave piece of jewellery is rings closely followed by necklaces. Definitely a magpie!

Who is your fashion inspiration?
AHHHH... I have quite a few. I love Blake Lively, she always looks so groomed! Lana del rey always looks amazing too, even when she's dressed casually. I tend to get a lot of fashion inspiration from Tumblr! Such a geek!

Do you own a onesie?
Yes!!!! Of course! Its a must have! Mine is pretty boring and just plain with stripes! Need to invest in a better one! I have a bunny rabbit and saw the coolest bunny onesie in Primark the other day.

What is your favourite online shop?
Ebay is probs my fave as whenever I search things they always have what I am looking for. ASOS is also a good'un. 

What is your most cherished item in your wardrobe?
This is a good question! My most worn item is my leather skater skirt but my most cherished would probably be my lingerie collection. Even though, technically, thats not one item and picking one fave set would be impossible! Oops!

How many pairs of shoes do you have?
At the moment my housemates and I have a large cupboard dedicated to holding our shoes...its looks like this... 

This is some of our shoes combined, I have more at home. I've never officially counted how many I have but probably in the region of 50ish (most of which I've only worn once....very bad!)

How will you celebrate your birthday this year?
I'm 23 this year and not looking forward to it so I'll probs do something quiet...its not until October so I might think of something more interesting by then. It would be cool to have a festival themed birthday.

What is your favourite hair accessory?
Last year I bought some really cute headpiecey things that you put on top of your head like a hat which are from Miss Selfridge, one had like a bead detail on it and the other had a piece sign.
I'd quite like to invest in some cute bows and flower headpieces though! 

Does your blog have a Facebook & Twitter page?
It doesn't have a Facebook page, thats my next job. But you can tweet me here and follow my blog posts here: The Floordrobe 

And finally my questions for my nominees:

  1.  Describe your blog in a sentence
  2. Whats your fave thing about blogging?
  3. What advice would you give to other bloggers?
  4. Where do you see yourself in give years time?
  5. Summer or winter fashion and why?
  6. Best beauty product and why?
  7. The fashion item you couldn't live without?
  8. Best advice ever received?
  9. Guilty pleasure?
  10. Any style secrets you live by?
  11. What would be your ideal weekend?
The blogs I nominate are:
  • Jess at Velvet Daisy 
  • Daisy at Daisy's Dressing Room
  • Imogen at Une Maison de la Mode
  • Ami at This Please: UK British Style and Lifestyle Blog 
  • Lindsey at Elegant Chaos 
  • Julie at Raining Cake 
  • Shauna at The Creature Chronicles 
  • Harriet at Harri Hearts 
  • Amy at Trendasauras 
(Technically not 11, but never mind!) 

Love Lexie x x x 

PS I'm sooooo excited cos Keith is coming back tomorrow from my bf's house....YAYYYYYY